Add "uteweti" in Tumbuka to your vocabulary. uteweti /uteweti/ Examples of uteweti Indefinite arti
Mdumbu Wane ::: Brother
Add "mdumbu wane" ::: "brother" in Tumbuka ::: English to your vocabulary. mdumbu wane ::: brother,
Mkulu Wane
Tumbuka mkulu wane, nom /m-kulu wane/ Tumbuka / ine ndimacanea mkulu wane m' /// ise timaca
Munyithu ::: Partner
Wezgeramo chiyowoyero chwaliyase. ::: Inclusion inside every language. Chitumbuka ::: English Ine nd
Tumbuka Zina Chiweme M'
Learn new vocabulary from the Tumbuka Library Book Series 23. Books in this series about what makes
Wezgeramo Ciyowoyero Waliyose Chitumbuka Lizgo Gha MazuĊµa Ghano: cipatala /cipatala/ SUA kasahorow 1